Adresse : CAP 19 - #410 - 13 Rue George Auric | 75019 Paris | France | +33 1 42 82 11 44

EVOLVED 5G - UE Research Project

The intense ongoing work towards 5G readiness has reached the point where the performance gains provided by 5G infrastructures should be exploited by third party innovators and SMEs, to create a new, open and dynamic ecosystem from both technology and marketing perspectives. Towards the materialization of the 5G performance gains at application and market level, key contributions are expected by the domain of design and development of Network Application (NetApp) contributing towards the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).


See EVOLVED 5G's website

EVOLVED-5G R&D project is an Innovation Action (IA), co-funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 / Information and Communication Technologies / 5G innovations for verticals with third party services (H2020-ICT-2018-20-ICT-41-2020) which started on 1/1/21 and will last until 30/6/23. Together with 20 more entities from 10 EU countries, GMI Aero participates in the project as a full Partner, having the innovator SME role, to support the development of case-tailored NetApps, in order to compose a digitalized, secure and automated generation of industrial operations for process and machine control, advanced product lifecycle management etc.


The industry-oriented EVOLVED-5G NetApps will be tested, validated, and certified in a vendor-agnostic experimentation platform and progressively define the first set of NetApps that the EVOLVED-5G marketplace will host. GMI Aero will cooperate with EVOLVED-5G Partners for the development of a Digital / Physical Twin of Bonded Composite Repair on Aircraft Safety Critical Structures using Net Apps, to ensure distant Quality Control procedures. The objective would be to connect the ANITA EZ hot bonder(s) used for repair curing to the 5G network at the repair area in order to transmit in real-time all related data to the Engineering Centre of aircraft manufacturer / airline / MRO / Certification Authorities.

Project's Leaflet



 Please visit  EVOLVED-5G - HORIZON 2020 - Research and development for more information on EVOLVED-5G and related innovations.


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