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CTS Singapore

Further to the Continuous Professional Development seminar organized last June in Paris, 68 representatives of industry and academia from Singapore and neighboring countries have participated in the “Composite Technology Seminar & Expert Forum”, in Singapore on February 10th 2020.

The seminar was co-organized by the Republic Polytechnic University of Singapore and GMI Aero, with the support of GMI local representative Melchers Aviation Services

  Access to the Agenda Here




Despite the unexpected travel and organizational difficulties faced because of the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the seminar was a profound success, mainly thanks to the invaluable support of the local co-organizers, Dr Hamid Saeedipour from RP and Ms Rachel NG from Melchers, to whom we would like to address our deepest appreciation.




During the seminar a balanced distribution of lectures, panel discussions with experts & demonstrations was achieved, to cover both theoretical & practical topics. Participants had also the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas in their area of interest, while meeting the actual people that develop and manufacture the composite repair equipment that they are using! A seamless communication among composite repair experts, end-to-end…



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